Financial education

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Financial education
Profilbild Sarah Schmidtke

„‘Financial education is the key to financial independence - if you understand your finances, you can build wealth and avoid over-indebtedness. This is not only important for individuals, but also for society as a whole.“

Sarah Schmidtke, Managing Director Bankenverband Mitte

Education enables people to take responsibility for their own lives, to understand the world better and to face challenges thoughtfully. Financial education plays a central role in this. A basic understanding of economic interrelationships is essential when it comes to building up assets, providing for retirement, handling money on a daily basis and avoiding debt traps. Financial education therefore plays an important role for society as a whole.

This understanding needs to be imparted to young people at an early stage through school education, regardless of their family background or other factors. Nevertheless, surveys in Germany repeatedly confirm that many students feel that economics and finance are not sufficiently taught in class. 

Our offer and our Commitment

Seminar for teachers

In order to provide students with the best possible financial education while they are still at school, we have been working with the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management for over twenty years to support teachers by organising free training seminars. The training courses are designed and organised by the Frankfurt School. We supplement some of the seminars with a visit to a bank, the stock exchange or other institutions in the financial centre - so that our participants can take a look behind the scenes of the financial world!

In the seminars, we want to familiarise teachers with possible teaching content and didactic methods. We also provide digital media content. The aim is to support teachers in introducing their students to economic topics in a practical and understandable way, and to get them excited about it.

A programme overview of past seminars can be found here (in German):

Our offer and our Commitment

Unser Angebot und Engagement

Seminar für Lehrkräfte

Um Schülerinnen und Schüler eine bestmögliche Finanzbildung bereits in der Schulzeit zu ermöglichen, unterstützen wir seit über zwanzig Jahren Lehrkräfte in Kooperation mit der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management durch kostenfreie Weiterbildungsseminare. Die Fortbildungen werden von der Frankfurt School konzipiert und durchgeführt. Einige Veranstaltung ergänzen wir durch einen Besuch bei einer Bank, der Börse oder anderen Institutionen am Finanzplatz – so können unsere Teilnehmenden einmal einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Finanzwelt werfen!

In den Seminaren möchten wir Lehrkräften mögliche Unterrichtsinhalte und didaktische Methoden näherbringen. Zusätzlich stellen wir digitale Medieninhalte zur Verfügung. Ziel ist es, Lehrkräfte dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler praxisnah und verständlich an Wirtschaftsthemen heranzuführen und sie dafür zu begeistern.

Eine Programmübersicht der vergangenen Seminare finden Sie hier:

Agenda Autumn 2024


Agenda Spring 2024


Dates for the year 2025: 
Spring 2025: 28/29 April 2025 - link to register 
Autumn 2025: 21/22 October 2025

Bankenverband Mitte works closely with the Association of German Banks on financial education, which provides the teaching materials and organises the school competitions.

Teaching materials

The Association of German Banks is calling for the early integration of economic and financial topics in school lessons. Teaching materials have been developed to support teachers. Worksheets, interactive exercises and tips are available for practical and application-oriented use in the classroom.

School competitions

The Association of German Banks offers two hands-on financial education formats: ‘Schulbanker’ and ‘European Money Quiz’. Both formats use a competitive approach to promote a deeper understanding of economics, banking and finance. The school competitions are aimed at school classes that want to actively engage with the topics.

Member of the ‚Bündnis Ökonomische Bildung Deutschland‘

We are delighted to be a member of the ‚Bündnis Ökonomische Bildung Deutschland’.

This gives us the opportunity to exchange experiences and work together on content.