
BankersXchange 2022: Review and photos

  • Start: 09/21/2022 | 1:00pm
  • End: 09/21/2022 | 3:00pm
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‚Leadership in times of crisis was the topic of the second exclusive event of bankersXchange, the new networking event series for executives of private banks.

As a lecturer and coach for top management executives, Dr Sonja Hollerbach showed the positive impact that the right way of dealing with oneself and ones employees has on the success of a company. Sebastian Purps-Pardigol, an executive coach and organisational consultant, combined the topics of brain research, leadership and cultural change. He showed ways in which employees and managers remain internally stable even in challenging situations and continue to retain access to their potential.   
In an interview with Mirjam Pütz, Chairperson of the Management Board of the WM Group, and interactive workshops, the topic was then further explored. 
